Mr. King

Mr. King

Monday, March 24, 2014

Greater Than, Less Than or Equal!

California Grade 1 CCSS Math Content 1.NBT.B.3
Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.

Prior Knowledge:
Today we are going to work on comparing numbers.  Before we start lets review the place value rules for two digit numbers:
Take the number 15 - How many tens are there? How many ones? 1 (ten) and 5 (ones) Right?
Try that with these 5 numbers: 76, 48, 52, 91 and 27.  
Here are some fun games to review place value if you need to:

Today we are going to learn about these symbols:
 > (Greater Than)
 = (Equal)
 < (Less Than)

It is important in life to know which values are greater than, less than or equal to others.  This comes in handy especially for things like grocery shopping.  Mr. King loves to get deals.  So I look at the price tags to find the food that costs the lowest amount.  For example, when you go to the store to buy apples there are many different kinds all at different prices.  Well in order to get a deal I need to know which price is less and which price is greater.

Here is my word problem:
Mrs. King likes Fuji Apples, and they cost 76 cents each.  But Jeffrey, Johnny and Mr. King like Green apples and they cost 67 cents each.  How do I know which one to buy to get my deal?

Look at the place value 6 (tens) + 7 (ones) = 67 vs. 7 (tens) + 6 (Ones) = 76   Which one is greater?
76 Right? 76 has 9 more (ones) than 67.  Using our symbols we would right that like this

67 cents <  76 cents 

The easy way to remember the Greater than/Less than signs is the Alligator's mouth ALWAYS eats the bigger number.  So Mr. King buys Green apples to save money, while Mrs. King (the alligator) munches on her expensive Fuji Apples.

What if I had to choose between Jeffrey and Johnny's granola bars. I asked them for the cost and they both said 75 cents. Well now I'm stuck because there is no deal.  Each granola bar costs 75 cents. 
                    75 Cents                                             75 Cents

How would I write that using place value and one of our signs?  
7(tens) + 5 (ones) =  7(tens) + 5 (ones) -  Is this Right?  
So they are Equal in value.  Guess I have to buy them both!

Comparing Numbers Websites, Videos & Activities:
Here are some a couple videos and interactive Websites/Games to practice using Greater than, Less than and Equal signs. Everyone must watch 1 video and play at least 1 game to practice.  

You must log in to see this video and take the quiz. Login weaverwhale password weaverwhale

Comparing Numbers Racing Game
This game has different levels.  Please start at level one and if that is too easy move up.

Fruit Shoot Game
This game has different levels.  Please start at level one and if that is too easy move up.

1) Complete the Greater Than/Less Than quiz.  After you finish please print it out and turn it in with your homework packet at the end of the week.

Greater Than, Less Than or Equal Quiz
This quiz contains a mix of Multiple Choice, Matching and True/False Questions.  Simply click the answer you think is correct.  There are 10 questions.  After you take the quiz, click on "Check my Answers" then "Print this Quiz" at the upper right side of the page.

2)Written Response:
Please click on the link above "written response" and provide a written response to both questions.  Remember this is where you show me what you know!  This response will be part of your grade based on the rubric below.

Rubric for Written Response

Extra Credit: 
Math Lovers - Post a Greater than/Less than "Word Problem" in the Comment Box at the bottom of this blog and your table will get 2 extra bonus points.  Remember to include the Problem, Answer and your name.  Your table could get 8 bonus points if everyone participates!

Congratulations first graders, on completing this hybrid lesson! We will continue working on place value/comparing numbers throughout the year.  A great way to practice is using coins.  Learning to count different coins is our next math unit so if you start counting and comparing you will be ahead of the class!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Class Overview

Welcome to First Grade!  Our program builds on skills and knowledge children have learned in Kindergarten and at home. It encourages critical thinking, creativity, and respect for self and others.

I expect that all students come to school ready to learn.  Together we will build a classroom environment that is warm, welcoming and engaging for all.  Everyone in this class is expected to learn and abide by our classes five core values: Respect, Responsibility, Compassion, Fairness and Honesty.

Every student in my class will have Rights and Responsibilities.  Students will also be involved in creating the rules in our classroom.  Research has shown that when students are involved in creating rules, they are motivated to follow them.  Attached is a PDF of the Classroom Rules and Discipline in my wife's first grade class that I hope to adopt and use with my own students.

School Calendar:
Here is a link to the School Calendar.  This calendar will be constantly updated with upcoming events, but please check our classroom webpage for updates for our class!

Common Core Standards:
Common Core is all about having students explain their thoughts and ideas in more detail.  Simply coming up with the right answer is not good enough, you need to be able to explain how you got your answer and/or be able to defend your strategy.  Here is a great link for parents explaining the benefits of Common Core.

First Grade is a pivotal year when students learn the basic strategies for how to read, add, subtract, answer questions and form opinions.  They also begin to develop their social skills and realize there is a lot they can learn from their peers.

First grade is when most students "crack the code" and begin recognizing that letter form words and words can be read.  Not all students become fluent readers in first grade but leveled books combined with reading programs/incentives like Accelerated Reader, help kids and teachers set goals for each individual student.

First graders begin to grasp and understand mathematical concepts. Children are introduced to time, money, and realize that counting is a life skill that they will use everyday.

First graders are encouraged to make predictions and find their own answers to questions about the natural world.  They may be introduced to concepts like weather, the parts of the human body, and identifying characteristics of plants and animals. Children may also experiment with matter and motion and how pushing and pulling forces affect an object.

Social Studies:
First grade social studies concentrates learning about the family, school, and community. First graders learn to tell the difference between events that happened in the past, present or future. Students also learn about maps, citizenship, symbols, customs and cultures.  Customs and Cultures is very important, as our classroom is a diverse community and it is essential that students learn, cherish and respect their own culture and others!

Mr. King's Profile

First grade is an adventure for students, teachers and parents.  In this class you will always be welcome, safe, and encouraged to share your thoughts!

I am currently a substitute teacher/tutor, but someday I hope to have a first grade class of my own.  I am currently attending National University to obtain my CA General Education Teaching Credential with a Master's in Education Technology.

How I got into teaching.  I graduated from UCLA in 2000, and started my career in Sports Marketing at DIRECTV.  After DIRECTV I worked for Disney and ESPN but was unfortunately laid off several times due to the rise and fall of the economy.  After having a difficult time finding a job I decided to try teaching!  I past the CBEST and began substituting in Hermosa Beach and at Chadwick School in Palos Verdes.

I always kind of knew teaching was in my blood, as my Wife, Mom and my in-laws are all educators! I made them all very happy deciding to become a teacher.  I have been subbing now for 3 years while I have been taking classes toward my credential.

I can't wait to do my student teaching and eventually have a class of my own!  Right now my days are filled teaching K-5th grade and by afternoon/evening I am a Father/Coach/Tutor/Husband and Student.  If you need to reach me or have any questions please email me at

I'm so excited to become a fabulous first grade teacher like my wife!